
  • JUDr. Tereza Dleštíková, Ph.D. Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague, Department of Criminal Law



legal pluralism, indigenous law, multiculturalism, Constitutional Court of Colombia,, Constitutional Court of Colombia, error in criminal law, corporal punishment


The article deals with indigenous law and its relationship to the state law, with a focus on the state of Colombia. Legal pluralism refers to the coexistence of multiple legal systems on the territory of one state; therefore, the article first discusses this legal theoretical approach as well as on how it is reflected in the Colombian Constitution and the jurisprudence of the Colombian Constitutional Court. The article then deals with the concrete practical manifestations of the principles of legal pluralism related to the constitutional guarantee of indigenous autonomy. In this regard, attention is given to the criminal law concept of error coming from the socio-cultural difference and to the overall view of crime and punishment according to indigenous customary norms, especially as regards the issue of corporal punishment. The aim of this article is to highlight the anthropological view of law and the importance of the cultural level of law in the context of the relationship between indigenous and state law, i.e. two often diametrically opposed views not only of law but also of the understanding of the world.


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How to Cite

Dleštíková, T. (2022). INDIGENOUS LAW IN THE CONTEXT OF LEGAL PLURALISM – FOCUS ON COLOMBIA. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 16(2), 49–74.