About the Journal

Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies is a peer-reviewed scientific journal whose mission is to present the results of scientific research work of authors in the field of socio-economic sciences and humanities at a high professional level. The journal is on the List of peer-reviewed non-impacted periodicals published in the Czech Republic and is included in the international databases ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, Crossref and ICI Journals Master List database.

Manuscripts published in this journal are articles, discussion papers or reviews reflecting the current state of research in the social sciences, economics and humanities. It is assumed that the paper offered for publication is not being offered to another publisher at the same time and that it has not yet been published anywhere.

The content of each manuscript is reviewed anonymously by at least two independent reviewers and discussed by the journal’s editorial board. The editorial board informs the author of the outcome of the review process. There is no legal claim to publication of the manuscript.

Current Issue

Vol. 20 No. 2 (2024): Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies
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