Affordable Housing: Concept and Affordability Measurements


  • David Mazáček University of Economics Prague



affordable housing concept, housing policy, affordable housing measurements, actual affordability, long-term affordability


This study investigates the challenges of affordable housing, delving into its concept and the diverse metrics used for measuring housing affordability, which influence the formulation of relevant affordable housing policies. The primary focus of this paper centers on defining the concept of affordable housing, exploring its implications for enhancing the quality of life and addressing the complexities involved in measuring its affordability accurately. Building upon the research, the paper proposes a possible optimal methodology for measuring housing affordability. This method suggests employing a price/rent-to-income ratio, encompassing a comprehensive assessment of housing-related expenses and a refined calculation of household income. Importantly, the study highlights the need for policymakers to differentiate between home-renters and homeowners when discussing housing affordability as well as between the immediate and structural lack of affordability.


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How to Cite

Mazáček, D. (2024). Affordable Housing: Concept and Affordability Measurements. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 19(1), 5–30.