Analysis of the development of the banking resolution approach


  • doc. Ing. Naďa Blahová, Ph.D. Katedra měnové teorie a politiky, Fakulta financí a účetnictví, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze



bank, bail-in approach, bail-out approach, systemically important bank, central bank, resolution fund


The paper analyses the evolution of attitudes towards the resolution of banks that run into se-rious problems. It points out that the "too big to fail" approach has become unacceptable in the wake of the global financial crisis, not only from a moral point of view but also because of the high demands on public funds. A course of action was sought that would divert public funds away from bailing out private entities. Recognising the irreplaceable position of banks in the financial system and the economy as a whole, it was decided to set up processes that can iden-tify systemically important banks using a range of sensitive indicators and that also determine possible approaches to resolving bank crises, from liquidation in the last resort to recovery with the help of shareholders and creditors holding 'write-offable liabilities'.


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How to Cite

Blahová, N. (2022). Analysis of the development of the banking resolution approach. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 15(1), 109–132.