Factors Influencing the Expenditure on the Treatment of Oncological Disorders in the Czech Republic


  • Ing. Pavel Havlík Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, fakulta financí a účetnictví, katedra veřejných financ




expenditure on neoplasms, exchange rate, deaths from cancer, technological progress, cancer illnesses costly


The article deals with the current issues in contemporary healthcare. Health care spending is constantly rising. Sectors that take care of the treatment of patients with some type of cancer are especially financially demanding. The main goal of the article is to quantify the impact of selected factors on expenditure on cancer treatment. The article examines three factors in particular – the exchange rate, technological progress and the death of cancer patients. It works with several time series, which include data from the years 2000–2017. Expenditures on the treatment of cancer patients to the total expenditures on health care in the Czech Republic are significantly affected by the exchange rate. Technological progress is also of great importance in the growth of expenditures in the treatment of oncology patients. Newer and more modern devices and medicines are more efficient, save more lives, prolong human life, but are more expensive, and therefore further growth in spending must be expected. Deaths from cancer are also affected by the cost of treating cancer, as saving every human life increases the cost of treating it.


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How to Cite

Havlík, P. (2021). Factors Influencing the Expenditure on the Treatment of Oncological Disorders in the Czech Republic. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 14(2), 41–55. https://doi.org/10.61357/sehs.v14i2.31