Job preferences of soldiers and support during their labor market integration


  • Ing. Kristýna Binková, Ph.D. Univerzita obrany, Fakulta vojenského leadershipu, Katedra řízení zdrojů
  • Ing. Miroslav Mašlej, Ph.D. Univerzita obrany, Fakulta vojenského leadershipu, Katedra řízení zdrojů



soldier, second career, Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic, labor market, job preferences


For professional soldiers, whose profession is not lifelong, a career change is inevitable at some stage. However, experience shows that after leaving the army, they usually have difficulty integrating into the labor market and it can take them disproportionately long time to find a new job. The results of research conducted among 176 students of military studies at the University of Defense and 284 soldiers in active service reveal the job preferences of members of the Czech Armed Forces in terms of subsequent career and their approach to their own preparation for a second career. The results of the content analysis of departmental documents and research conducted among departmental experts present the current state of support of soldiers during their labor market integration applied in the Czech Republic. Although the results of the research suggest that soldiers are interested in longer-term preparation for a second career, a systemic approach to this issue, such as can be seen in some developed European countries, is not currently applied in the Czech Republic.


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How to Cite

Binková, K., & Mašlej, M. (2020). Job preferences of soldiers and support during their labor market integration. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 12(2), 25–52.