The Diversity of the Field of Social Enterprises – The Case of the Czech Republic


  • Lucia Hrůzová Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University, Lipová 41a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic



social enterprises, Czech Republic, hybrid organizations, business organizations, nonprofit organizations


Social enterprises have been experiencing a worldwide boom in the last decades. The mix of aspects of the nonprofit and for-profit world that is essential to social enterprises creates a unique space for them to address the targeted social issues. However, their broad concept embraces a range of organizations that can fulfil diverse roles and operate in different fields. The Czech Republic is one of the countries where social enterprises have only recently started to develop. Moreover, there is still a lack of knowledge of what the field of Czech social enterprises encompasses. The aim of this article is, therefore, to shed light on the current state of the field. The description of the current social enterprise environment supplemented by the data of Czech social enterprises collected through the various databases will be put in the context to the findings of the relevant foreign literature and compared.


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How to Cite

Hrůzová , L. (2019). The Diversity of the Field of Social Enterprises – The Case of the Czech Republic. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 10(2), 23–44.