Universal health care systems (?): CEE reality


  • prof. Ing. Juraj Nemec, CSc. Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics Tajovskeho 10, 97401 Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
  • prof. Ing. Marta Orviská, PhD. Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics Tajovskeho 10, 97401 Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
  • doc. Ing. Markéta Šumpíková, Ph.D. The College of Regional Development and Banking Institut – Ambis, a.s., Lindnerova 575/1180 00 Praha 8 – Liben, Czech Republic MUVS CVUT, Kolejni 2637/2A, 160 00 Praha 6




health care, access, Central and Eastern Europe


The paper deals with the issue of the universality of access to health care in Central and Eastern Europe. It shows that universality is still the constitutional principle for the majority of countries. However, it also documents that, in reality, the universality of access to health care disappeared in the region after 1989. Only three countries – the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia are close to the aim to provide their citizens with a universal access to health care; however even these countries show apparent limitations.


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How to Cite

Nemec, J., Orviská, M., & Šumpíková, M. (2019). Universal health care systems (?): CEE reality. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 9(1), 5–18. https://doi.org/10.61357/sehs.v9i1.55

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