Anti-System Parties and Militant Democracy Policy


  • doc. Ing. Štefan Danics Ph.D. Katedra společenských věd, Fakulta bezpečnostního managementu, Policejní akademie ČR v Praze, Lhotecká 559/7, 143 01 Praha 4, Česká republika



militant democracy, “ban” of Parties, anti-system parties, state repression, state prevention


The author aims to describe the policy of militant democracy, which eliminates political enemies of democracy by democracy’s own tools, especially those that have organized themselves into parties and that compete openly for the power in the state. In this view, the author analyses the “ban” of anti-system parties as a crucial tool of militant democracy. He emphasises positives as well as negatives of “banning” of anti-system parties. He also offers a new approach to the “ban” of anti-system parties, which should function rather as prevention than state repression.


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How to Cite

Danics, Štefan. (2019). Anti-System Parties and Militant Democracy Policy. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 9(1), 79–95.