Payments for State Insured Persons in the Czech Healthcare System - New Challenges and Future Perspectives


  • Eva Gajdošová, Ing. University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Department of Public Finance, W. Churchill Sq. 4, 130 67, Prague 3, Czech Republic
  • Alena Maaytová, doc. Ing., Ph.D. University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Department of Public Finance, W. Churchill Sq. 4, 130 67, Prague 3, Czech Republic



ageing, healthcare, public expenditures, sustainability, health insurance


The paper highlights the importance of payments for state insured persons in the Czech Republic financial and healthcare system, and subsequently, structural components are described. This is a very current issue, as payment is defined only until the year 2020 and the situation after that date remains unclear. The article deals with four possible approaches to the determination of the payments, i.e. how the assessment base for these payments might change in the year 2021. Based on these scenarios and demographical projections, development of this payment is calculated until the year 2030. It can be concluded that the development of the payment will on the one hand depend on the available resources of the state budget and on the other hand on the needs of the healthcare system.


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How to Cite

Gajdošová, E., & Maaytová, A. (2018). Payments for State Insured Persons in the Czech Healthcare System - New Challenges and Future Perspectives. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 8(2), 25–43.