The Use of Development Aid in Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Sub-Saharan Africa


  • Jana Bártová Prague University of Economics and Business, Faculty of International Relations, Department of World Economics



development aid, post-conflict reconstruction, Sub-Saharan Africa, humanitarian aid, economic development, Rwanda


Today, development cooperation is an integral part of international relations together with the involvement of the international community in helping states that struggle with conflicts or their consequences. There is also a growing emphasis on the need to improve the effectiveness of development cooperation. In line with this need, this article focuses on the specificity of development cooperation in the context of post-conflict reconstruction in Sub-Saharan Africa. The case study examines the involvement of the international community in the economic and social area of the post-war reconstruction of Rwanda. The main conclusion of this paper is the merger of development cooperation and post-conflict reconstruction into a single methodologi-cal framework based on their common goals, emphasizing the specific situation of post-conflict countries and thus justifying the difference in the use of development (humanitarian) aid in other cases.


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How to Cite

Bártová, J. (2018). The Use of Development Aid in Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Sub-Saharan Africa. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 7(1), 5–36.