Development of Entrepreneurship Education in Kazakhstan: The Need for Government Regulation


  • Agipa Monobayeva, Ph.D. Deputy Director of Doctoral Studies Department Narxoz University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Petr Hájek, Ph.D. Unicorn College, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Maira Iembekova, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration Narxoz Univesity, Almaty, Kazakhstan



entrepreneurship, education, public policy, government, network governance, business


This  paper  analyses  the  current  situation  in  entrepreneurship  education  in  Kazakhstan  and  reveals the existence of significant gaps. The authors used research findings as well as previous studies to highlight the need to reconsider the public policy in entrepreneurship and government regulation in this relatively new field. The study recommends an approach based on “Network Governance” to ensure favourable conditions for building an effective entrepreneurial ecosystem in the country. Implementation of principles of Network Governance is intended to bring together all stakeholders, including state and local governments, education, business and civil society to develop a comprehensive system of entrepreneurship education.


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How to Cite

Monobayeva, A., Hájek, P., & Iembekova, M. (2018). Development of Entrepreneurship Education in Kazakhstan: The Need for Government Regulation. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 7(1), 89–122.