
  • doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Mužík, DrSc. AMBIS University, Department of Pedagogy
  • PhDr. Radka Löwenhöfferová, Ph.D., MBA AMBIS University, Department of Pedagogy



corporate education, communication systems in an enterprise, employee training, performance management, personnel marketing, segmentation of corporate education, course participant, teacher in further education


Recognizing the role of corporate education refers to the process of reviewing this area in the light of new knowledge resulting from the search of specialized literature, the participation of the authors of the text in international research and the generalization of innovative practices. Corporate education in companies plays its traditional role, i.e. it is a tool for managing the work performance of employees. The reality, however, shows clear tendencies to expand the role of corporate education in the corporate environment. In personnel marketing, corporate training more often  becomes an important part of motivational systems. Corporate education is also one of the important pillars of Branding, i.e. the building of the organization’s brand as a good employer. The research study showed that in some areas of corporate education negative phenomena occur that reduce its effectiveness. On the part of the employees, they often include weak motivation and inappropriate attitudes within the training, aimed at changing the behaviour and conduct of individuals. On the part of the companies, often the problem is to economically quantify the effectiveness of investments in education, to determine their return. Practice shows that many businesses, organizations and institutions are faced with solving fundamental conceptual questions in this area. The current practice and benefits of educational activities in the support of work performance and their focus on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and professional competences no longer satisfy the current demands. The creation of concepts for educational events is increasingly moving towards the internal company communication system. Companies are increasingly projecting the needs, wishes and requirements of employees into the courses and training. Corporate education is no longer an internal matter of the management and organization, production and services. Within the active state policy of employment, including the use of European structural funds, corporate education is increasingly becoming a societal issue. Theory and practice respond to this fact by designing courses and training that move away from a distinctly professional aspect, while the outputs of education have a broader educational, cultural and general cultivation nature.


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How to Cite

Mužík, J., & Löwenhöfferová, R. (2024). RECOGNITION OF THE ROLE OF EDUCATION IN THE CORPORATE SPHERE. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 20(2), 79–98.