Case study: Promoting competitiveness of MSMEs in the winemaking sector using a space matrix and CSR principles with emphasis on Generation Y


  • Ing. Radka Šperková, Ph.D. AMBIS University, Katedra ekonomie a managementu, Lindnerova 575/1, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
  • Ing. Renata Skýpalová, Ph.D. AMBIS University, Katedra ekonomie a managementu, Lindnerova 575/1, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic



SPACE matrix, wine sector, strategy, MSMEs, Generation Y, corporate social responsibility


This paper examines the wine-producing businesses’ competitive positioning. Its main aim, based on a case study, is to propose recommendations on how to consolidate their market position, yield long-term profits and boost competitiveness, taking into account the current labour market conditions. The ensuing recommendations for the two selected wineries are based on an analysis of the external and internal environment and competition mapping of the wine industry. The micro-enterprise (D) should pursue conservative strategies, i.e., market penetration, concentric diversification and cost minimization. The medium-sized company (C) is advised to adopt aggressive strategies such as new product development, diversification and backward, forward, or horizontal integration. The need to implement CSR policies has also been proved. According to the survey conducted, Generation Y respondents expect activities in the fields of work-life balance, above-standard health and safety care and environmental protection.


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How to Cite

Šperková, R., & Skýpalová, R. (2023). Case study: Promoting competitiveness of MSMEs in the winemaking sector using a space matrix and CSR principles with emphasis on Generation Y. Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, 17(1), 5–33.

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